Liquid Nitrogen Safety
Liquid nitrogen is a common component of research operations, however are you aware of the hazards of cryogenic liquids, such as liquid nitrogen? Do you know the expansion rate of liquid nitrogen? You have probably heard of the potential for liquid nitrogen spills or leaks to produce an oxygen deficient environment, but did you know you could also produce an oxygen rich environment near the liquid nitrogen source?
To find out more about the hazards of liquid nitrogen and for guidance on how to properly handle this cryogenic liquid please click here.

Hazardous Materials Transportation

In an effort to provide for the highest level of protection for staff and the general public, Indiana University has developed a Hazardous Materials Transportation Program to provide clear guidance on shipping or otherwise transporting those hazardous materials required for the day-to-day operation of the University.
Please click here to learn more about shipping requirements because research institutions such as IUPUI are increasingly subject to on-site inspections by the U.S. Department of Transportation and/or the Federal Aviation Administration

E Training moved to IU Expand

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, the legacy E Training system ( that was previously used for all EHS training was retired.
E Training has moved to IU Expand so we are currently migrating our training over to IU Expand and will have all EHS training moved by the end of the year.
To see what safety training courses are currently available on IU Expand please click here.
To find out more about IU E training courses in IU Expand, please click here.
 Biohazard Waste Compliance Updates
Are you aware that in the fall of 2015, the IUPUI began an initiative requiring campus laboratories to switch to biohazard waste bags and sharps containers constructed of either clear, translucent or white plastic?
Are you aware that standard autoclave tape contains enough lead that unused rolls of tape cannot be thrown in the trash and must be disposed of as hazardous waste?
To read more, please click here.
 Welcome Katlin Stephani
Please join us in welcoming Katlin Stephani to our team of Laboratory Safety Specialists.
Katlin has earned a Master’s degree in Environmental Science from Indiana University-Bloomington and prior to that she has worked at IUPUI as a Research Assistant so she is familiar with our campus.
Katlin's laboratory experience combined with her desire to ensure IUPUI is a safe place to work and learn makes her an excellent addition to our team.
To read more about Katlin, please click here.
